Mover’s insurance will protect all of your assets during the moving process, assuring you money back for any damage to them. But it’s not free. So, is it worth it? Well, that depends.
The chances that your moving truck will crash are slim. Using the crudest, most unscientific of measures, general stats predict that one out of four people will be involved in a car accident in their lifetimes. Now pinpoint that statistic to one or two days. That’s roughly .001% chance that you will be involved in an accident while you move. Even if this stat is wrong, the actual chances must still be extremely slim. Is that worth the price for insurance to you?
The chances that your movers will break a possession while loading or uloading is much more probable, but even then it’s quite small. Think about it: do you even have anything that is worth insuring? If so, how many items? And are they that difficult to load and unload or cushion and secure in the truck?
You might find so, and if so, you can insure specific items for a set price, but when it comes to insuring ALL of your belongings, you will probably find that the risk is simply too low and insignificant to be worth your hard earned money.