Moving out on your own is a big decision. How will you feel about having to handle an entire electric bill; and where will you borrow toothpaste from; and who will you talk to when you’ve had a terrible day at work and you’re still writing blog posts, I mean, what it’s already 8:50?, I can’t believe it…
Who will you complain to then?
Nevertheless, for thousands of us, living alone is a virtue. Here are the top 10 reasons to move out one your own:
- Your roommate smells of rotten pancakes, and you have no faith in your next roommate smelling any better.
- Your mother has been nagging you to take out the trash for 19 years too long.
- You just got a new job and no longer need to live in a glorified commune.
- Graduate school requires studying, and studying requires silence.
- You hate dishes in the sink. Or you hate doing dishes. One of the two.
- You have chosen not to own a pet, because you don’t want to live in a house with a pet. It’s that simple.
- Remote-control-related power struggles weird you out.
- You grew up in the room you’re reading this in.
- Your inner Van Gogh is telling you to paint the walls magenta-green candy cane.
- It’s time. It’s just time.
Learn how to move out on your own so you don’t screw it up, because it’s not easy.